OT:10 April 1926 – John Grant “Toarluath and Crunluath Demonstration”

The Oban Times, April 10, 1926

Toarluath and Crunluath Demonstration

27 Comely Bank Street, Edinburgh, April 2, 1926

Sir,–Much has been said about my demonstration on Thursday last, as being badly planned. But that, I can assure you, was not the case. I could have brought four or five first-class piobaireachd players upon the platform, who were prepared to vouch that I played the Toarluath and Crunluath correctly as Angus Mackay wrote them and in perfect time and rhythm; but that would have been unfair to Pipe-Major Gray, who proved nothing. He never looked at my fingering of the movements. He simply said that I did not play them as Angus Mackay wrote them; that was no proof against me whatever.

               The Chairman of the meeting gave, by special intimation, any person an opportunity to take part in the demonstration, either by discussion or otherwise, but no person took advantage of this opportunity. They have simply made valueless statements under “nom-de-plumes,” which conceals their names and have proved nothing. I played the Toarluath and Crunluath movements on the platform in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Edinburgh, in perfect time and rhythm exactly as the MacCrimmons composed them in piobaireachd and as Angus Mackay wrote them.

–I am, etc.,

John Grant

Relative to the above, however much opinions may differ on the particular point issue, it is scarcely necessary to point out, in view of Mr. Grant’s undoubted reputation, that he is a player of outstanding ability and practical knowledge. His book on Piobaireachd is considered a valuable compendium on the subject.—Ed., “Oban Times.”