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- John Grant’s earliest extant compositions in his own hand: two 6/8 marches: Abercairny House (composed 28 February 1901) and James William Home-Drummond-Moray’s Birthday March (composed 17 October 1901). In modern notation: Abercairny House (for Mp3 click here); James . . . Birthday March (for Mp3 click here).
- Their Most Excellent Majesties The King and Queen of Norway’s Welcome to the Castle of Windsor (10 November 1906) (for Wave File click here)
- Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of York’s Wedding March (26 April 1923) (for Wave File click here)
- Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth’s MSR (3 September 1931) (for Wave File click here)
- Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Kent’s Wedding March (29 November 1934) for MP3 File click here)
- Their Most Excellent Majesties the King and Queen’s Welcome to Edinburgh (5 July 1937) (for Wave File click here)
- Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth’s Wedding March (20 November 1947) (for Wave File click here)
- John MacRae’s March (24 November 1942) (for Wave file click here) (a special thanks to Jim Dillahey for this performance)
- John MacRae’s March performed in piping competition!! Perhaps the first ever!! – Garrett Helmick from the Atlanta Pipe Band performing at the Loch Norman Highland Games (near Charlotte, NC) on 21 April 2012. Garrett received a Silver Medal in the 6/8 march Grade III competition playing the Grant march (See the video here.)