OT: 24 August 1901 – [unsigned] “Inverary Highland Games”

The Oban Times, August 24, 1901

Inveraray Highland Games

This popular gathering, which for some years past has taken a foremost rank among such meetings, was held on Wednesday in the Stable Park, joining Inverary Castle, and whether as regards itself or its surroundings no finer or more picturesque stance could probably be found in broad Scotland. The weather was splendid, and the assemblage larger than on any previous occasion, people arriving in great numbers from far and near. In the course of the day several Clyde steamers made special runs to Inverary and these being crowded with passengers brought large accessions to the number of spectators.

A detachment of over thirty men of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, under command of Lieut. Lord George Dundas, was early on the field, having traveled from Stirling Castle that morning by the Callandar and Oban Railway to Dalmally, and thence by coaches to Inverary. The Clyde training ship, Empress, also sent her Boys’ Band, consisting of smart young musicians, these arriving by one of the steamers. The Inverary Pipe Band, playing lively airs, marched at the head of a large procession from the Town Square on to the park, and gave other selections during the day.
The sports began shortly after 11 a.m., and the various events being as usual very keenly contested, much interest and great enthusiasm were excited. The judges were – for athletics, Messrs. Archd. and Donald Black, and Messrs. Nix; for piping and drumming, Dr. Bett and Mr. Wm. Smith, with Pipe-Major Aitken, Stirling.

The local events came first, and the open ones were taken shortly after 1 p.m. In the latter several well-known professional competitors took part.
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders gave at intervals fine exhibitions of bayonet exercises and musical drill, also gymnastic and athletic displays; while the Empress boys danced the sailors’ hornpipe in fine style, following with bar-bell exercises. These different displays were greatly enjoyed by all present, as shown by the loud and frequent bursts of applause all around the enclosure, and particularly from the hundreds of ladies and gentlemen seated on the Grand Stand.

The duties of starter and handicapper were well discharged by Mr. John Campbell, assisted by his son, Mr. J. A. Campbell; while the services of Messrs. Alaster MacArthur and James Cameron, as clerks of the course, assisted by Messrs. H. M. and Ernest Smith; Mr. John Edward, secretary; and Mr. James Stewart, as treasurer, in each case gave equal satisfaction.

At the close, shortly after 4 p.m., the prizes were, by request of the Committee, gracefully handed to the winners by Lady Augusta Orr-Ewing, who, along with her husband, Mr. C. L. Orr-Ewing, M.P. for the western Burghs, took a deep interest in the days proceedings.

The following is the prize-list: – [ed. only bagpipe prizes provided]


Bagpipes (Marches) –1, Angus MacMillan, Kilberry; 2, Campbell Currie, Ardrishaig; 3, Coll Campbell, Ardrishaig.
Bagpipes (Strathspeys and Reels) –1, A. MacMillan; 2, Campbell Currie; 3, Robert Stewart, Inverary.
Piping and Dancing Medal– A. MacMillan.


Bagpipes (Marches) – 1, John McColl, Oban; 2, Wallace, Training-Ship, Empress; 3, J. MacDougall Gillies, Glasgow.
Bagpipes (Piobaireachds) – 1, J. McColl; 2, J. MacDougall Gillies; 3, T. MacRae, Glasgow.
Bagpipes (Reels) – 1, J. McColl; 2, Wallace; 3, MacRae and Gillies equal.