The Oban Times, 16 March, 1901
The Highland Bagpipe
Glasgow has so long been recognised as a centre of Highland thought and enterprise that it is not surprising to learn that shortly we shall see published in our midst one of the most notable books given in recent years to the Highlands. This is “The Highland Bagpipe: its history, literature and Music,” by Mr. Wm. Laird Manson, a well-known city journalist, and an authority on all that pertains to the piob mhor. Curiously enough, while other Highland institutions have as a rule been copiously written of, to the Highland bagpipe only detached references have been made, and the aim of the writer has been in the present instance to do justice to this acknowledged neglect. With this end in view the traditions, superstitions, and anecdotes relating to the instrument and its tunes will be included. The story will be traced all down through the centuries; the peculiar music and even more peculiar literature of the pipe will be discussed; several chapters will tell of the close association between the pipe and Scottish regiments, and of the many deeds of heroism that have been enacted by military players; several, of the more peaceful race, who as a clan or burgh pipers took a leading part in social life; and several, of the superstitions and folklore that are woven round the instrument. The book, which will contain a large number of other interesting articles dealing more or less directly with the bagpipe, will naturally appeal specially to enthusiasts in Highland affairs, but as it is almost entirely untechnical, and is pervaded with the atmosphere of Scottish life and character, may be consulted not only for authoritative data, but also for that lighter national literature that interests Scotsmen everywhere. The price, it is satisfactory to record, has been fixed at an exceedingly moderate figure.