The Oban Times, January 5, 1901
Bagpipe and Dancing Competitions at Campbeltown
A bagpipe and Highland dancing competition was held in the Victoria Hall, Campbeltown, on Christmas night, and was very largely attended. Councillor Ross presided, and was supported by Councillor MacWilliam. The competitions evoked the greatest enthusiasm, and were carried through with praiseworthy decorum and with success. There was a large entry for each event, and all the pipers and dancers gave a highly creditable exhibition. The judges were–Pipe playing, Mr. Wm. Robb, ex-Pipe-Major of the 93rd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; Dancing, Mr. D. Cameron, both of Glasgow. The arrangements were in the hands of the following capable committee– Sgt.– Instructor Scott (secretary), and Messrs John MacLean, Neil Campbell, Robert Crawford, and D. MacCallum.
The prize-winners were;–Pipe Playing–March–1, H. MacDonald, Stark;2, J. MacPhail; 3, J. McMillan. Strathspey and Reel–1, H. MacDonald, Stark; 2, J. MacPhail; 3, J. Patereson. Dancing–Highland Fling–1, N. L. MacLardy; 2, D. A. Nicholson; 3, Miss L. MacMimney. Highland Fling (boys under 14 years of age)–1, D. Brown; 2, A. Galbraith; 3, N. Campbell. Sword Dance–1, Miss MacMimney; 2, A. Galbraith; 3, H. MacCallum. Seann Triubhas– 1, D. A. Nicholson; 2, Miss MacMinney; 3, A. Girvan. Scotch Reel–1, N. L. MacLardy; 2, Miss MacMimney; 3, D. A. Nicholson.