The Oban Times, 26 May, 1923
The Islay Pipers Society
This Society has reached another interesting landmark in this year’s programme. Pipe-Major Ross’s visit to Islay has now come to a close, and on the eve of his departure opportunity was taken to present him with a token of the respect and esteem in which he is held. A large muster of members and pupils was held at the Club Rooms, Islay House Square, and, in the name of the Society, the Hon. President handed to the gallant and genial Pipe-Major a well-filled wallet of Treasury notes.
All viewed the departure of Pipe-Major Ross with great regret. His classes, which were held at Bridgend, Ballygrant, Bowmore and Port Charlotte, have been remarkably successful. He is a teacher of great power and carries on his work with infinite tact, patience, and painstaking care. As a result, the playing of the piob mhor has advanced by leaps and bounds. Pipe-Major Ross comes to Islay by arrangement between the local Society and the Piobaireachd Society of Scotland, for his encouragement and assistance the local society is deeply grateful.