The Oban Times, 21 July, 1923
The Playing Of Piobaireachd
11 July, 1923
Sir,– Most piobaireachd players will agree with Dr. Bannatyne that very few lads of eighteen years can play a piobaireachd with effect, however accomplished in bagpipe music. It is not a question of manipulating the fingers or playing the notes correctly; it is far more than that, and if your correspondent of the 2nd July could hear the young players of 18 and then some of our classic players, such as MacDonald, MacLennan or Ross, you would then be convinced if this is possible. Simply encourage the young players everywhere, and they will do their best, and who knows that we may someday get a real MacCrimmon among them. The promoters of Cowal Gatherings are to be congratulated on the lead they are giving to similar gatherings. At all the games I have attended during the past twenty years I have not heard “Patrick Og MacCrimmon’s Lament” played, and would respectfully suggest that this most pathetic pibroch be played by some of the front rank men at Oban and Inverness Gatherings. –I am, etc.,
A Lover of the Old Music