OT: 18 August 1923 – Music – [“Piobaireachd Playing”]

The Oban Times, 18 August, 1923

[Piobaireachd Playing]

12 August, 1923

Sir,–Kindly grant me space to reply to your correspondent of August 4. I am sorry he thinks that I referred to three outstanding players of piobaireachd for a purpose he would imply, whereas it was only to illustrate a point, viz., the difference between the playing of a young lad of 18 years and a master hand. I had the pleasure of hearing some of the players mentioned thirty years ago, and the man who would believe that any of these could play piobaireachd at 18 or 20 years of age as they can now must either know very little about the music in question or have a defective ear. It is possible to become an artiste of music at 30 years, but people who know do not expect an artiste in pibroch at 18 years of age. –I am, etc.,
