The Oban Times, 21 April, 1923
Piobaireachd Playing
Inveran Hotel, Invershin, Sutherland, 3 April, 1923
Sir,– I understand that the Piobaireachd Society really welcome fair and respectful criticism. It is only by so doing the Society can hope to leave anything of value to succeeding generations of pipers. Can the Piobaireachd Society bring forward any evidence from the works of the men to whom we are indebted for the piobaireachd music to disprove what I say. The invented “Crunluadh Mach” is simply an alien conception, and in truth merely the doubling of a false Crunluadh Fosgailte. I would respectfully appeal to the Piobaireachd Society and all lovers of the music of the bagpipes to consider my remarks in the spirit in which they are given, and abolish forever what, I hope they will agree, is a most mischievous introduction to Piobaireachd playing.
–I am, etc.
A. MacPherson