The Oban Times, 15 March, 1930
The Piobaireachd Society
Prestbury House, Prestbury, Cheltenham, 8 March, 1930
Sir,–I have read with interest the charming article by “D. S.” in your issue of March 8th entitled “A Link with the MacCrimmons; the Military School of Piping.”
While I am fairly certain that “D. S.” is himself a member of the Piobaireachd Society, I feel bound to point out that in his article he does not give the Society the credit for being the father and mother of the Military School of Piping, which is, as most of your readers are aware, only one of its several useful activities in the Piping world. It can safely be said that were it not for the Piobaireachd Society there would be no Military School of Piping to-day.
Knowing the interest which you and your readers take in the work of my Society, I venture to draw attention to the omission which I feel “D. S.” has all unwittingly made in his otherwise delightfully written article.
–I am, etc.,
(Capt.) George J. Campbell, Yr., of Succoth,
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer,
The Piobaireachd Society