The Oban Times, 10 April, 1948
[Ancient Piobaireachd]
Inverness, 5 April, 1948
Sir,–Sheriff Grant is to be congratulated on his attitude to Mr. Donald Main’s exposition of piobaireachd. His letter was an unpleasant necessity, but a necessity it certainly was, notwithstanding the compassion of pipers for Mr. Main, who does not seem to have either the melody or the fingering technique that makes piping tolerable. Mr. Angus MacPherson has also made a public protest against the B.B.C. piping distortion, and if his pain and indignation have the same cause, he is due a share of the gratitude of pipers, though he did not give the perpetrator a name.
I had once the honour of being one of the judges at a competition where Mr. Main got through the parts of the piobaireachd recognisably. After a few bars I proposed that he be stopped, but I did not get a majority of the judges to support me.
This is a regrettable case, but the position demands the publicity it has been given, and I would like to add that in a less though a substantial degree further and competent control is required for the Gaelic, and especially the Gaelic musical exhibitions of the B.B.C.
I am, etc.,
Malcolm MacInnes