The Oban Times, 20 September, 1930
[Playing of Piobaireachd]
12 September, 1930
Sir,–With reference to the letter of “Patrick Og,” which appeared in the recent issue of the Oban Times, on the above subject, may I, as one who officiated at the meeting in question (and who had occasion to take the feeling of the meeting on the subject) say that “Patrick Og” (so far as I can judge) speaks for himself, and for the reason that my finding was that Mr. Grant proved nothing and demonstrated less, but rather monopolised the major portion of the evening on matters quite irrelevant to the question at issue and much to the chagrin of the audience, as well as those representing the opposing school from Glasgow, who were hardly allowed any time to demonstrate their points.–I am, etc.,
Tog Orm Mo Phiob