The Oban Times, 14 September, 1929
Inveroran Hotel, Invershin, Sutherland, 3 September, 1929
Sir,–I am not surprised to find Mr. Grant contradicting in your issue of 31st of August what he had written in a previous issue. This is not the first occasion on which I have noticed Mr. Grant resort to this method when cornered by a correspondent, and unwilling to face the music of fair criticism.
I suppose if I again say that Mr. Grant said that there is no Toarluath Mach in Piobaireachd, and that he repeats that Crunluath Mach is performed on B C and D while the E note is open, he would say he never said such a thing; therefore it is hopeless to discuss the matter. That he has, and still says so, must however be quite clear to your readers, and I would again repeat that, thank goodness this is not as I play Crunluath Mach nor as I ever heard it played by any piper of repute.
I am not prepared to teach Mr. Grant as one may infer from what he says of my method of playing through the medium of the “Oban Times,” but even at the risk of a rebuff and further resentment from Mr. Grant I would extend to him a cordial invitation to visit me at Inveroran and accept my simple hospitality, when I shall be very pleased to show him how I perform the various Piobaireachd notes, and as played by the greatest performers of the past and present, and as I feel sure will be by the best performers of succeeding generations.
As to what my statements prove or convey to the readers of the “Oban Times, ” it is not for Mr. Grant to assume the role of Judge. –I am, etc.,
A. MacPherson