The Oban Times, 5 December, 1925
[Toarluath and Crunluath Notes]
28 November, 1925
Sir,–On reading through the columns of your issue of 21st of November, I was much surprised to find that, according to “I.F.M.S.S.,” I am playing and noting the Toarluath and Crunluath the wrong way. Since no reply to your correspondent’s letter on the above subject appeared in this week’s issue of your paper, I think that, as a piper, it is my duty to give my views on the subject.
After examining the footnote on page 148 of Mackay’s book referred to by your correspondent, I have come to the conclusion that it does not substantiate any of his statements regarding the Toarluath or Crunluath. This footnote only applies to triplets, which are groups of three notes played in the time of two and indicated by a slur and the figure 3. Surely, then, the Toarluath and Crunluath are not triplets. In my opinion, therefore, the footnote only refers to variation 2 of “The Highland Society of Scotland’s Salute.”
Again, I find that Mackay does not write his Toarluath and Crunluath on “D” with a redundant “A.” Can “I.F.M.S.S.” give any explanation of this?
I agree with Pipe-Major Gray when he says that the Toarluath and Crunluath cannot be played in time unless that redundant “A” is omitted. If “I.F.M.S.S.” still adheres to his assertion, I shall be very much indebted to him if he will inform me, through your paper, of any piper who can play these notes as he wishes. –I am, etc.,
Gille Chriosd