The Oban Times, 30 January, 1926
Toarluath and Crunluath Movements and Piobaireachd
Achantoul, Aviemore, 22 January, 1926
Sir,–I have read with interest the correspondence upon the playing of the Toarluadh and Crunluadh notes. We are all, I think, agreed that the playing of Ceol Mor is an art that has been handed down from one generation of pipers to another. Therefore, I venture to suggest that Mr. Grant would strengthen his position, besides being of great assistance to all lovers of Piobaireachd, if he were to give the name of any well-known piper of this, or the last generation who plays according to Mackay’s notation. Because it is quite inconceivable that in the past ninety years the correct method of playing Toarluadh and Crunluadh has been entirely lost.
I hasten to assure Mr. Grant that I write in no critical spirit. We are all, I am sure, desirous of retaining the priceless gift of the old Highland music in its original form, and any discussion that will further this and must needs be helpful.–I am, etc.,
Seton Gordon