The Oban Times, 29 May, 1920
The Piobaireachd Society’s Music
Edinburgh, 20 May, 1920
Sir, Mr. MacLennan has dated with reference to the tune “King’s Taxes” that a setting of it is to be found in David Glen’s collection, and that the competitor must play it, with its errors of pitch, duration and accent, as it stands.
I happen to have a copy of the tune referred to published by Mr. Glen, and on perusal of it find that the duration, pitch and accent are all perfect; the time could not possibly be timed better. There may be a difference of opinion in regard to a G grace note here and there, some players preferring the note plain, and a difference of opinion in regard to the method of making the crunluath fosgailte, but such divergence is well known to players of the Ceol Mor.
Mr. MacLennan’s statement that the prize is not given for the best rendering of the tune is not very encouraging to intending competitors.–I am, etc.,
Ceol Mor