The Oban Times, 24 April, 1920
[Piobaireachd Society’s Competitions]
12 April, 1920
Sir,–I thank “An Old Timer” for his hearty support of my grievance regarding the above competitions. I have heard “The King’s Taxes” played, and I like the air, and have heard the old pipers say that it is a fine tune. I do not possess that book referred to called “Ceol Mor,” therefore I still await an explanation about the tune in question. In any case, I am told that the book “Ceol Mor” is not pipe music at all but a Chinese puzzle, which has to be dissected by a microscope.
I also agree with “An Old Timer” that the tunes appointed for young players are not for beginners at all. Instead of encouraging piobaireachd playing, which is, alas, passing away too fast, the book is being sealed from the eyes of beginners.–I am, etc.,
Young Piper