The Oban Times, 11 December, 1915
The MacCrimmons and the Rout of Moy
4 Cambusnethan Street, Edinburgh, 4 December, 1915
Sir,–Kindly allow me through the medium of your popular journal to inform your correspondent, Miss A. C. Whyte, that MacLeod of MacLeod did not lead nor command that famous midnight raid to Moyhall “to capture Prince Charlie” in the manner stated. That idea was originated and carried out in person by Lord Loudon (a Campbell too).
MacLeod of MacLeod was not present, nor was he even on the mainland, but his son, John, was present, and commanded a small party of fifty clansmen, including the family piper–Donald Bàn MacCrimmon, who unfortunately was killed there.–I am, etc.,
A.R. MacLeod