The Oban Times, 6 November, 1915
A Record of Pipers
54 Parliament Street,
London, 29/10/15
Sir,–In association with Mr. John Grant, of 27 Comely Bank Street, Edinburgh, I am engaged in compiling a record of the Pipers of Regiments taking part in the War. Through the courtesy of the pipe presidents and pipe majors of some 60 Units, I have already received a great deal of information regarding the achievements of individual men in action, whether employed as pipers, stretcher bearers or on other duties; and I am expecting replies from other Units shortly.
There must at present be many pipers in hospital in this country who could give me most valuable information about casualties which have occurred near them in the field, and I ask you to publish this letter in order to inform these man that I shall be very glad to hear from them if they will write to me. Letters from men at the Front referring to pipers will also be of great value, and if sent to me will be returned in due course. All communications should be addressed to Sir Bruce Seton, c/o Grindley & Co., 54 Parliament Street, London, S.W.
The record will be published privately, and the entire sale proceeds will be devoted to the orphans of pipers.–I am, etc.,
Bruce Seton