The Oban Times, 30 October, 1915
Piobaireachd: Its Origin and Construction
Inveran Hotel
Sutherlandshire, 21 October, 1915
Sir,–In advocating the rights of the “Piob Ghaelach,” it will, I am sure, he readily and unanimously admitted that to your courtesy and the columns of your estimable paper must be attributed, in a very great sense, the place of honour which the Highland Bagpipes and the music of the Gael occupy. Lately, it has been very interesting to watch and read the different shades of opinion regarding the bagpipes. In some cases the diversity has been very extreme, and as a means of fostering an unanimity on the much-discussed question of our national instrument and music, I would respectfully command all admirers and critics to put themselves in possession of a copy of a book recently published by Mr. John Grant, 27 Comely Bank Street, Edinburgh, entitled “Piobaireachd: its Origin and Construction.” This work is that of a man possessing practical knowledge and deep-rooted and affectionate desire to raise bagpipe music to a high standard.
It must have caused a very great deal of labour, time and expense to the author, and it would be a blot upon the enthusiasm of every genuine Celt, if the time ever came when it would be said, as in truth it was said of the works of our past masters, it did not get the support it deserved. I hope others will support me in congratulating the author and in my endeavour to claim for his work what it so richly deserves, a place on every true-hearted Celt’s bookshelf. That it will be read and appreciated by generations yet to come I am certain.–I am, etc.,
A. MacPherson