The Oban Times, 29 May, 1915
The Canntaireachd of The MacCrimmons
Edinburgh, 24 May, 1915
Sir,–In your last week’s issue I observe Mr. Simon Fraser returns to the question of Gesto and the MacCrimmon Notation. But Mr. Simon Fraser has failed in every conceivable manner to prove his knowledge of piobaireachd or the MacCrimmon notation. He has not proved any of his statements. Mr. Fraser asks me to send you one guinea, and he will send me the “Bells of Perth” in both notations. What is this but paying a ransom for what Mr. Fraser at one time wanted to give away gratis? He has invited me to call on him, and he would attempt to enlighten and satisfy me for nothing. Now he has broken his promise, and asks me to glorify his name by my paying one guinea to the Relief Fund! I may acquaint your correspondent that I have already given my guinea to the Relief, and some more.
Regarding the letter which your correspondent sent me, and which you have already produced, I am sure you will agree with me that such a letter could only have been written by a man who has done nothing for a cause which he seeks to uphold, and who is irritated at others who know more than himself (Mr. Fraser).
The letter in question is a lengthy one, and as far as I am concerned it may be published, but the conditions are that your correspondent sends you one guinea in recompense of space and labour entailed, which you may give to any charitable object you please.
Finally, I may tell Mr. Fraser that I am offering for sale the “Edition de Luxe” “Piobaireachd: Its Origin and Construction,” for the benefit of the Royal Caledonian Asylum. If he sends the secretary of that Institution another guinea, he will receive a copy of a book which will help them to understand what piobaireachd is.
I may say in conclusion that I have put my knowledge or thoughts into action without fear of any critic, for the good of others, while your correspondent has put what he only professes to know into thoughts. The result is that in the one case those interested can judge the qualities of the one who writes in black-and-white and his knowledge of an art, while on the other hand, or in Mr. Fraser’s case, he has given us nothing but promises unfulfilled, not to speak of the scores of questions which he has passed unanswered.–I am, etc.,
John Grant