The Oban Times, 19 April, 1913
Origin of the MacCrimmons
12 April, 1913
Sir,–It is not my intention to enter into any controversy upon the above subject. Let me, however, state that in the course of my research is I noticed “McCrummens” and “McGriumens” who bore the alias “Lamont” and “Lawmond.” Further, I observed Lamonts who bore the alias “McGruimen.”
The famous race of MacCrimmon pipers may not be of these McGruimen Lamonts, but the alias is suggested. Perhaps with our records see the light of day–half a century after this–the Lamonts origin of the MacCrimmons may be established.
It would be interesting if the Lamonts and MacCrimmons could prove descent from the famous knight, Sir Lagmann, whose son Molmore had a dispensation from the Pope (on 27th September, 1290) to marry Christian, daughter of Sir Alexander of Argyll–the relationship being in the fourth degree of affinity.–I am, etc.,
D. M. R.