The Oban Times, 5 January, 1907
December 23 1906
Sir,–Pipers and all who are interested in pipe music cannot fail to be extremely grateful to Dr. Charles Bannatyne for stating with such clearness and force his views regarding the scale of the Highland bagpipe chanter. We must beg him to excuse those of us who did not at first fully grasp his meaning. His letter in your issue of December 28th, although parts of it are entirely above the heads of most pipers, including that of the writer, leaves no doubt as to what he considers the proper standard for pipe chanters.
The matter now stands as follows:–General Thomason has published the results of his investigations, but has not expressed his opinion on the question. Dr. Bannatyne has brought his valuable knowledge to bear and has given us his opinion.
It would be extremely interesting to have the benefits of more opinions. All pipers know what they consider a good chanter; although they may perhaps not know much of the theory of music, it would be only fair to let the investigators of the question had the benefit of their practical experience. Also all makers of bagpipes should have an opinion on the subject. Now that the question of the chanter scale has been opened, it is to be hoped that we may hear a great deal more about it from all sections of the piping community.–I am, etc.,
F. [F. G. Graham]