The Oban Times, 22 October, 1910
The Scottish Pipers’ Union
Salsburgh, by Holytown,
October 18th 1910
Sir,–It is proposed to form a Scottish Pipers’ Union, having for its objects:–
The fostering of pipe music and Highland dancing.
The conservation of pipers’ and dancers’ interests.
The appointment of competent judges of piping and dancing, approved of by the Union, so that games committees can draw their judges from the approved list.
The drawing up of rules governing piping and dancing competitions.
Any other objects that may be agreed upon.
A meeting will shortly be called by advertisement in “The Oban Times” and other papers, at which the whole subject will be discussed. The preliminary expenses have been guaranteed, and influential support, financial and other, has been promised. It is to be hoped that the pipers and dancers will turn out to the 1st meeting in great force to assist in forming what will in a short time be one of the most influential bodies in existence.–I am, etc.,
Charles Bannatyne M.B., C.M.