The Oban Times, 2 June, 1911
The piobaireachd of our warpipe,
With all its mystic lore,
Shall live for endless ages–
We’ll play it o’er and o’er.
We bless the Highland minstrels
Who brought it first to light;
They’ve sent us an example,
We grasp it with delight.
They brought it to perfection,
With ardent hearts they wrought,
In theme and variations,
With fingers hard they fought.
From dim and distant ages
This patriotic theme
Comes like a living fountain
To quench a thirst supreme.
The thirst of joy and sorrow,
Of war, and peace, and fame;
The Gael’s triumphant music
Adds glory to his name.
The Welcome to the stranger,
The Salutation grand,
The Gathering says to clansmen:
“Fight on, ye fearless band!”
Unequaled for its grandeur,
This ancient art goes on,
Age after age inspiring,
Father and son.
I see a bright star shining
That leads me onto praise
An art that was declining
I’ve laboured hard to raise.
John Grant