“Cameron’s Gathering” – John Grant illuminated placard – 1 August 1907

The following picture was sent to me by a man in England who had just purchased this rare Grant illuminated piobaireachd at auction.  Grant sometimes drew these impressive “placards” for important contributors or those he hoped would contribute to his cause (especially financially).   This one is characteristic of his work: highly detailed water-colour framing surrounding […]

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OT: 24 August 1901 – [Unsigned] “Songs of Lorn XXIV: “O Gur Mis’ Tha Sona Dheth,” Cruachan-Bheann, and XXV: Taobh Mo Theine Fein”

The Oban Times, 24 August, 1901 Songs of Lorn Cruachan-Beann With reference to the version of this song given in a recent issue, a grand-daughter of Patrick McIntyre, author of the song, writes to say that his family were of the Glenetive McIntyres, and that they resided in Glenoe before going to Letterwood, Lochaweside. Glenoe […]

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