The Oban Times, 1 June 1901
Edinburgh Caledonian Pipers’ Club
The above club held their tenth annual competition in the Gymnasium Halls on Thursday last. There was a large attendance of members and friends. The Corrychoillie Gold Medal having been won three times by Mr. J. Center, now becomes his own property. During the evening Mr. W. MacGregor, age 7 years, gave a neat exhibition of the Highland Fling. The following were the results:–The Clubs challenge cup (march, strathspey, and reel), John MacGregor; challenge medal for amateurs (march, strathspey, and reel), H. Clephane; Corrychoillie gold medal (Piobaireachd), J. A. Center; Mackenzie medal (strathspey and reel), J. A. Center; Pipe Major’s medal given by the Chief (March), G. Taylor; challenge medal (Highland Fling), A. W. Forsyth; medal presented by Messrs. Kirkwood & MacGregor (reel), J. C. Horne; special prize, presented by Mr. George Mackenzie for Highland Fling, J. C. Horne; MacKay medal for sword dance, A. W. Forsyth; chanter, presented by Messrs. J. & W. Hutcheon, Niddry Street, J. Lemon; special prize, presented by the chief, “Corrychoillie,” for slow march, “Lochaber No More,” style as in book presented by the Chief— J. A. Center.
At the close of the competition the Chief, in presenting Klansmen J. MacGregor with a shoulder brooch in recognition of the able manner in which he acted as Pipe-Major during the unavoidable absence of Mr. Taylor, said it showed the members’ appreciation of his services, and expressed the hope that he would long be spared to wear it.