The Oban Times, 13 April 1901
Caledonian Pipers’ Club, Edinburgh
The annual dinner of this Club was held in MacPherson’s Hotel, George Street, Edinburgh, on Friday, the 29th ult., when there were about thirty members present. In the unavoidable absence of the chief (Mr. P. Cameron, Corrychoillie), Mr. Peter Johnston, the chieftain, presided. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were proposed and cordially responded to, after which the Chairman submitted the toast of their Chief. He paid an eloquent tribute to Corrychoillie for all he had done to uphold their national instrument, and particularly for his splendid services to their own Club. His interest and enthusiasm never abated, and with him still at their head he did not fear their future prospects. They would go on flourishing as in the past. (Applause.) the toast was received with Highland honours. The toast of the Club was given by Mr. W. G. Cumming the energetic Secretary, who was able to show the Club in as good a condition as hitherto, and expressed the hope that it might long continue to uphold their Highland music on the bagpipes by the Pipe-Major, and size contributed by members during the evening a very enjoyable programme. The health of Mr. Jas. Bennet, a member of the Club was enthusiastically drunk, as he was taking his departure that night for Philadelphia Many of the members present express their good wishes for him, and hope for his posterity.