The Oban Times, 21 June 1924
Piobaireachd Playing
11 June, 1924
Sir,–Mr. MacPherson and “Hold Fast” are not alone in their protests against the massacring of our ancient Piobaireachd as handed down to us by the McCrimmons. The real question is, how is this mutilation to be arrested–so abhorrent to the true ear–if we are to hand down to future generations the cherished melody as it actually should be played.
I fear not so long as the Piobaireachd Society remain indifferent to protests by players with undoubted reputation. There are always to be found players who will comply with the Society’s settings for the honour of gaining valuable prizes they offer and so long as this continues there will be two schools of thought–the old and the modern– consequently when the old school have gone west to join the McCrimmons there will probably be nothing left but the modern style. How sad to see this canker growing every year while we have eyes to see and ears to hear and a remedy at hand.– I am, etc.,
A Lover of Piobaireachd