The Oban Times, 10 May 1924
Pibroch or Song?
“Mhic Iain ‘Ic Sheumais”
Calcutta, 17th April, 1924
Sir,–Does not this tune commemorate the occasion when Donald Mhic Iain ‘Ic Sheumais (MacDonald) and his men escaped the alleged treachery of some MacLeod, when Rory Mor MacLeod at Dunvegan had given them protection and hospitality when stormbound in Harris, a few weeks after the fight at Carinish (soon before, or after the desperate battle at the Coolin Hills in Skye, 1691)?
Can any of your readers get the Gaelic words and music of this piece, or say where obtainable if published? Is it the same tune as “A Taunt on MacLeod” appearing in General Thomason’s “Ceol Mor” collection of pibrochs?
Any information on the subject would be gladly welcomed. –I am, etc.,
Piob Mor