The Oban Times, 30 June, 1923
The Argyllshire Gathering
Sir,–As the season of Highland Games is now with us again, I desire to say something which has ‘been troubling’ several post-War athletes.
The rules for the competitions on the first day of the Argyllshire Gathering, with the exception of the Piping, restrict athletic events to men who have served in H.M. Forces. Without casting any slur upon the ex-soldier, is it not time that such a rule should be done away with?
The badge, or cup, for the athlete with most points is competed for during both days, so a young athlete entering the second day finds himself under an impossible handicap to win the coveted trophy.
I am sure that the ex-soldier would not mind the rivalry of the budding athlete that if he could prove to the satisfaction of the Stewards that he was under age during the War, there should be no reason to bar him from competing. Such a step would go far to encourage athleticism in the younger generation. –I am, etc.,