The Oban Times, 6 October, 1934
Pipes and Drums
24 September, 1934
Sir,–I take it that the S.P.B.A. Are not going by any other time but their own. There must be many readers who concur with your correspondent “Craigellachie.” Similar questions have from time to time appeared in your esteemed paper, but the S.P.B.A. intentionally or otherwise, are still unheeding. Had they a sensible answer or remedy to offer, we would have heard from them long ago.
Should this reticent attitude continue, there are bound to be some pertinent questions asked at the next general meeting. To avoid this unpleasantness, and in view of the fact that the S.P.B.A. has still to reply, may I, a humble member of a band (never yet appeared on the prize list), crave the opinions of those members other than that of the executive committee to give their views on the subjects narrated by “Craigellachie” and others; also the following: Is judging from undercover, as done at Renfrew, to be considered a success?
No doubt there is much to be said for and against, but we must bear in mind that we don’t see music; we hear it. In the event of a bass or side drummer hastening or dragging the time, otherwise erratic, from which column on the points allocation sheet will the pipe judge make his deductions? Why should he penalise pipes on what rationally should come under the perplexed drum judge? Yes “Craigellachie,” Noise is a din-inspiration!
I am, etc.,
An Ribean Gorm