The Oban Times, 27 October, 1934
Pipes and Drums
October 22, 1934
Sir,–I note with regret that the many letters which have appeared in your columns have been unanswered by the S.P.B.A.
“An Ribean Gorm” has evidently given up hope of getting any reply, and asks those members other than the Executive Committee to give their opinions. While I appreciate his point, why may I ask only those members other than the E. C.? Are they (the E. C.) afraid of his outspoken criticisms?
The illuminating article by A.D. Hamilton while not saying anything against the S.P.B.A., surely shows them in a poor light, when the writer of such an article is not on the panel of judges.
Perhaps some of the Executive Committee will enlighten me on what happens when a bass drummer goes off the beat. I have purposely used the word “beat,” as being a drummer I am compelled by the rules of the S.P.B.A to avoid in my phraseology the word “time” as I have nothing to do with it.
I am, etc.,
Pom Pom Pom