The Oban Times, 9 July, 1927
Piobaireachd Music
Duntulm Lodge, Isle of Skye,
3 July, 1927
Sir,–Mr. Angus MacPherson believes, perhaps, that, like the late Lord Fisher, the Piobaireachd Society has adopted the motto, “Never apologise.” Well, perhaps there is something in that, but I want him to know that the present listed tunes have been revised and corrected with great care.
It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the Piobaireachd Society does not lay down the condition, or even desire, that pipers in their competitions should play its own settings. Any setting is accepted, provided it be a recognised one. It merely publishes the tunes; pipers may adopt its settings or not as they please.
I think this point should be made clear, because there is a widespread belief among pipers that there is a moral obligation to play the Piobaireachd Societies’ setting. I am, etc.,
Seton Gordon