The Oban Times, 24 August, 1929
Inveran Hotel, Invershin, Sutherland, 14 August, 1929
Sir,–Of all the statements ever made in connection with piping, I think that those made by your correspondent, Mr. John Grant, in your issue of 10th August, are the most unfair. Mr. Grant says that there is no Toarluadh Mach in Piobaireachd, and that the Toarluath Trebling is simply the Toarluath Mach. This is nonsense. Then, in connection with Crunluadh Mach, Mr. Grant says this movement is performed on B, C, and D, while the E note is sounded in each case. Again, this is nonsense. It would, I grant, be a very much out-of-place movement if performed in this manner; but this is not Crunluath Mach as I know it, nor as ever I heard it played by any piper of repute.
Again, Mr. Grants allusion to “Expressions in Pipe Music” and his reference to present and past Bagpipe Tutors, is so amusing that it must be treated as a big joke.
With the utmost cordiality and in the most friendly spirit, I would suggest to Mr. Grant to refrain from the making of such incorrect statements.–I am, etc.,
A. MacPherson