The Oban Times, 23 November, 1929
[Noting in Piobaireachd]
17 George Street, East Melbourne
Sir,–I have been requested by some pipers to answer the question. Did John MacCrimmon use the low A in Toarluath and Crunluath as written by D. MacDonald, Angus MacKay, and other writers of Piobaireachd. Most certainly he did. I know this beyond any doubt. Those pipers who do not play the low A have not been properly taught, and it is a great pity that they are trying to lead other pipers astray.
I have been criticised myself a good deal over the MacCrimmon notation, but none of my critics have had the courage to come and put me to a practical test in this matter. Had Donald MacDonald written the MacCrimmon notation under the ordinary notes this trouble would not have arisen. My father was present when several persons advised him to do this, but he would not do so. Gesto, his son Norman, Alexander Bruce and his three sons all played the low A; so did Donald Cameron and his sons. As none of my critics ever came to try and upset what I have said and written, it is very strong evidence that what I say is correct, and I would advise those revivals (sic) to play their own way and leave others alone.–I am, etc.,
Simon Fraser