The Oban Times, 30 November, 1926
Toarluath in Crunluath
Edinburgh, 18 October, 1926
Sir,–in your issue of 16th inst. I asked Mr. MacInnes if he could play the Toarluath and Crunluath movements as Angus Mackay wrote them, but he did not answer my question.
So far as I am concerned it is not a case of whether these movements should be this or that. The question is, Can the Toarluath and Crunluath movement be played in time and rhythm as Angus Mackay wrote them? I say that they can be so played, and that I myself play them.
David Glen did not profess to be a piobaireachd player, but I have seen and heard him finger and play what you wrote in his books. The late John MacDougall Gillies, with whom I was very intimately acquainted, discussed the above movements very fully with me. I played them over to him, and he admitted that I played them as Angus Mackay wrote them.
I got my tuition from the same source as Angus Mackay, and, in fact, through him, Angus Mackay wrote what he played, and he played what he was taught from the MacCrimmon School.
Mr. MacInnes says “I do not believe that Angus Mackay played what he wrote in his book.” I asked Mr. MacInnes to give proof for this belief.–I am, etc.,
John Grant