The Oban Times, 24 February 1917
106 Plantation Street, Glasgow, S.S., 19 February, 1917
Sir,–on 30th September, 1916, your correspondent, Mr. Simon Fraser, Australia, quoted in “The
Oban Times” the urlar or ground of a piobaireachd in the canntaireachd notation, which is stated
by him to be the “MacKinnon’s Salute.” Then again, on the 27th January last, he quoted the Urlar
or ground of another piobaireachd in the same articulate pipe music notation, said by him to be
“MacKinnon of MacKinnon’s Lament.” I shall feel grateful to Mr. Fraser if he will state in your
columns his authority for naming the two tunes in question as MacKinnon piobaireachds. I have
a copy of the first tune in the canntaireachd notation and a copy of the second tune in ordinary
notation; both of these tunes are nameless in the pipe music collection in my possession. In that
event, I would like to know how Mr. Fraser claims these two tunes as part of the MacKinnon
pipe music.– I am, etc.,
Robert MacGregor