The Oban Times, 22 May, 1920
[The Piobaireachd Society’s Music]
18 May, 1920
Sir,–I am particularly anxious that Mr. MacLennan should answer my question. He has praised the 1920 tunes for the senior competition published by the Music Committee very highly, but again I ask him where in the length and breadth of Scotland can I see a book with such a grossly wrong method of writing piobaireachd.
Your correspondent asks me what I object to in the Society’s book for 1920. I object to the untimely death of ancient piobaireachd, caused by the appearance of a foreign method of writing the ancient classical music of our forefathers.
As to myself I may say that I have heard a MacCrimmon play the pipes, and I will defend their music against any odds.–I am, etc.,