The Oban Times, 20 August, 1916
Clan MacKinnon Piobaireachd
6 Verner Street, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 1/8/16.
Sir,–I see a correspondent wishes to know if there are any Piobaireachds to the Clan MacKinnon. There are four altogether in Gesto’s collection, and I enclose one for your valuable paper.–I am, etc.,
Simon Fraser
Urlar–The MacKinnon Salute
I hirn dodrin tra hio drodin hodrie hin bodrieo dra ho drodin dro
I hirn dodin dra hio drodin bodrie hia bodrieo dra hio drodin dra
I hirn dodin dra hio drodin bodrie hia bodrieo dra hio drodin dro hio dro bodrie hia radin dra hie drieo dra hiem ho bodrie.
Anyone wanting this tune can have it completed ordinary Notation.