The Oban Times, 19 March, 1921
14 March, 1921
Sir,–in your issue of 12th March Dr. Bannatyne writes–” I edited many tunes for the Scottish Piobaireachd Society many years ago, and I defy Mr. McInnes, the President of the R.A.M. or any other body to find a flaw in the Notation time, tune, accent, rhythm, or any other point, errors and misprints always excepted.”
“The Bells of Perth,” “Corrie an Easan” and “My King has landed in Moidart,” are the only tunes edited by Dr. Bannatyne in the Piobaireachd Society’s publication, and it will be obliging if he could give the numerous readers of the “Oban Times” a certified list of all the clerical errors and misprints in those tunes.–I am, etc.,
Ian MacLennan