The Oban Times, 17 April, 1920
Bagpipe Musical Competition
Dunoon, 10 April, 1920
Sir,–Permit me, through the medium of your widely-read paper to answer the many enquiries that have reached me regarding the awards in this competition. The judging, as the competitors are already aware, is in the hands of the Scottish Pipers’ Society, and, in a recent letter from the Secretary thereof, I am informed that their decisions may be expected shortly. As I understand each member of the judging committee has gone through the tunes privately (over 200 in number), the task has been an arduous and painstaking one, and the thanks of all interested are due to the gentlemen who have shouldered so great a responsibility. Let me assure the competitors, at home and abroad, that the results will be sent to them by post card immediately they reached me, and will also appear in the “Olden Times” first issue thereafter. It will interest many of your readers to know that tunes have been forwarded from all overseas dominions –India, Canada, Africa, New Zealand, etc., and most of the best known pipe-majors in this country are represented.–I am, etc.,
H. S. Strafford