The Oban Times, 25 September, 1915.
The Highland Bagpipe
Inveran Hotel, Invershin, Sutherland, 14 September, 1915.
Sir,–For some time now. I have been following the correspondence and controversy between Mr. Grant if Mr. MacPharlain on the above subject.
It must be a source of great pleasure to all lovers of the Highland Bagpipe, as undoubtedly it must be to all authorities, to note the masterly way in which Mr. Grant has produced his arguments in support of what he considers correct.
Mr. Grant, in the last clause of his correspondence of 11th September, has struck the nail on the head, and knocked the bottom out of Mr. MacPharlain’s whole arguments, when he says: “I know Highland pipe music, and can play it, and the bagpipes too.” As one who, I think, may be credited with knowing something about bagpipes and bagpipe players, it gives me much pleasure to substantiate Mr. Grant’s contentions. Long may his practical pen be able to obliterate the writings of those who, from having the theory of the subject, can never be convinced of defeat until they are brought face to face with practical knowledge.–I am, etc.,
A. Macpherson