The Oban Times, 13 November, 1915
Piobaireachd and MacCrimmon Canntaireachd
27 Comely Bank Street, Edinburgh, 8 November, 1915
Sir,–As I have already indicated in your columns, I hold that Mr. Simon Fraser, Australia, is ignorant of piobaireachd and its notation. “Eilean a Cheo” said some time ago that Mr. J. P. Grant, yr., of Rothiemurchus could read, write, and play the MacCrimmon canntaireachd. Mr. Grant never saw the canntaireachd written by a MacCrimmon, or the scale or key used by them. Therefore Mr. J. P. Grant may read, write, and play a notation, but it is his own and certainly unknown to the great MacCrimmons.–I am, etc.,
John Grant