The Oban Times, 10 August, 1912
Captain Neil MacLeod’s Book of Canntaireachd
42 Elmfield Avenue, Aberdeen, 5 August, 1912
Sir,–I was simply delighted when I read “Fionn’s” letter of 22nd July. The truth will come out, and surely hear it has been revealed. “Fionn’s” letter proves beyond all doubt that Captain MacLeod of Gesto could not play the pipes, and if he had been a piper his examples of canntaireachd would have been correct, or in keeping with the real MacCrimmon sol-fa notation. But we find them in his book of 1828 irregular and void of meaning. This settles once and for all that up till now the MacCrimmon canntaireachd remains a mystery.
Anyone who cares can study the canntaireachd notation, and if they do they will see at a glance that the vowels used by Dr. Bannatyne in his scale are entirely wrong. The vowel sounds alone prove this.
I thank “Fionn” most heartily, and must apologise for the trouble caused him, which leaves “The Martial Music of the Clans” absolutely correct, and those who try to make out that Gesto was a piper absolutely wrong. I am, etc.,
John Grant