The Oban Times, 5 November, 1910
The Scottish Pipers’ Union
Symington, by Kilmarnock,
28 October, 1910
Sir,–”Fair play for All’s” contribution to these columns of 29th inst. on behalf of the above will not materially assist the S. P. U.–Rather the reverse, because he does not content himself with landing the great possibilities of the new body, but attacks and runs down in a veiled and altogether unsportsmanlike manner the only existing Society in our midst, who, at great inconvenience and expense to themselves, have done, and are still doing, magnificent work toward the furtherance of our piobaireachd.
I see no chaos at present overshadowing piping and dancing, as voiced in these columns by Dr. Bannatyne. Some of your readers will agree with me, and others won’t. Personally, I will not say that the idea of an S.P.U. is a really excellent one because a few pipers and others take it upon themselves, after some hesitancy, to propose an S.P.U., with the main reason for doing so concealed in the background, and simply because we have a Society “that will be nameless,” who teach all eligible young man or lads piobaireachd free of charge, who give us new piobaireachd every year to compete with that would be lost to us were it not for this Society, who at great expense to themselves hold schools in different chosen parts of Scotland, in which schools the teaching is done by the most competent players amongst us. The few declare–Are we to be ruled by the Society, who give us the prizes and bind us to their settings? (and rightly so): the founders of the proposed S.P.U. shout No!
We are told the first meeting of the proposed S.P.U. will soon be advertised. I wish them luck, but judging from the warning given by “Fair Play to All” to Dr. Bannatyne, it is going to be a very hazardous undertaking indeed. –I am, etc.,
Loch Sloy